Local Analytics & Reporting

Take control of your in-store conversion funnel with powerful local analytics

Grasp a deep understanding of buyer behaviour and how consumers interact with your business everywhere online.

Local Insights

Gather 60+ metrics and analytics in one centralised platform and keep track of each stage of the conversion funnel to drive revenue.

Filters & searches

Filter or group your data to simplify your day-to-day operations and get the local metrics you need

API integration

Access or export your metrics and analytics data in programmatic form or integrate with external systems

Multi format exports

Export your data in multiple formats, including to Excel, JSON and for GIS tools like ArcGIS or CARTO.

Local Reporting & Insights

Obtain detailed reports to understand improvements over time
across venues and platforms and benchmark your online reputation against other industry players.

Location & Presence Reports

  • Visibility Overview Report

    See how your locations rank by keywords to spot local differences and opportunities.

  • Presence Overview Report

    Provides summary of your online presence - used in onboarding phase of customer lifecycle to create benchmark to compare progress against later in lifecycle.

  • Competitor Visibility Report

    See how your locations rank by keywords vs your competitors.

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